Social Care Wales (SCW) has launched its formal consultation on transforming the care sector in Wales and Care Forum Wales is urging members to respond to this by the deadline of October 16. The consultation can be found here.
Mary Wimbury, acting chief executive of CFW, said: “While the emphasis is on registration for domiciliary care staff which will start next year, the same process will affect care home workers further down the line.
"That's why it's important to read the proposals and give your views. You can also get a briefing on the proposals at our Essential Updates which will be invaluable as representatives from Social Care Wales will be attending to talk about the qualifications that will be needed to register.”
The consultation relates to proposed changes in Social Care Wales registration fees – which would see registered managers’ fees rise to £80 by 2022. Fees for social care workers will start at £10 and increase to £35 pa by 2022. The second proposal is to set the qualification requirement for domiciliary care workers at level 2, based around the first 12 weeks of the Social Care Induction Framework.
There will also be changes to the Code of Practice for Employers relating to their responsibilities regarding workforce registration and to the Fitness to Practice Rules. The consultation runs until October 16 and we will, of course, be submitting a response – but we want to encourage members to do their own responses.
Submit your response on the Social Care Wales website.