Cynon Valley needs improved highway infrastructure yes or no?

Cynon Valley needs  improved highway infrastructure yes or no?

Rhondda Cynon Taf Council have appointed the contractors Walters Group and Sisk Group, to construct the Mountain Ash Southern Cross-Valley Link a project of the Labour run council since 21st November 1994 when Southern Cross Valley Link-Stage 1 was first advertised in the London Gazette over 23 years ago. (The Labour run Council not the fastest out of the blocks)

This relatively small project in Mountain Ash in the larger scheme of highway construction is long overdue, as many residents will confirm after queuing patiently in traffic for the slow crawl of the renounced Mountain Ash bottleneck.

So work has started Mountain Ash Southern Cross-Valley Link conveniently for developers Persimmon Homes who are construction 110 dwelling adjacent to the new link road, our Labour controlled council are extremely accommodating to developers improving new access for developers at council taxpayers expense.

 The Southern Cross-Valley Link should mitigate some of the traffic traveling North on the A4059 at peak times in the evening, as many motorists will be aware there is also a big problem traveling South towards Mountain Ash not only at peak times of the day.  As you can see from the above photograph provision has started for the construction of the Mountain Ash Northern Cross-Valley Link, houses the Mount Con Club also the Empire Cinema were all demolished to make way for the Northern Link.

Well its taken the Labour Council over 23 years to start the Southern Cross Valley Link so the question is when will the Labour Government in Cardiff Bay allocate funding for the Mountain Ash Northern Cross-Valley Link?

The council always placing the Northern Cross-Valley Link in the adopted plan; the Labour council saying how beneficial the Northern Link will be for Mountain Ash

“The proposed cross-river link will bring environmental relief to residential and commercial properties within the town centre and the Miskin and Penrhiwceiber area. The scheme will facilitate regeneration of the area, and will provide improved safety and environmental conditions in the town centre.

The scheme will provide an improved link to the new Mountain Ash Hospital.”

Just to confuse matters the leader of the Labour run council Andrew Morgan said on Twitter, there is no need for the Northern Cross-Valley Link as a camera study supports this. As we have said many times on AberdareOnline over development by many developers with the Labour Council and Planning Inspectorate approving almost any planning application that is put forward without any thought of major highway improvements, infrastructure and tinkering with roundabouts is not the answer.

A cabinet meeting held on 15th December 2016 Mountain Ash Cross Valley Links, a report of the director of highways and Streetcare Services in discussion with the relevant portfolio holder, Councillor Andrew Morgan.

One minute Councillor Andrew Morgan is saying no to the Northern Cross-Valley Link and then in a report to the Council below he reports its fundamental to the area.


Local Development Plan (LDP) – The LDP provides the framework for the development and use of land within Rhondda Cynon Taf. It sets out the objectives and priorities relating to the development and use of land and the policies and proposals for implementing them.

Policy NSA 20 includes specific reference to the Mountain Ash Southern Cross Valley Link and the Mountain Ash Northern Cross Valley Link. These road schemes are essential to improve accessibility for local residents to services and employment opportunities, improve the environment by removing vehicles from congested areas i.e. A4059 and B4275 and to attract investment into the area.

10.2 The proposals to construct the Mountain Ash Cross Valley Link will make a significant contribution towards the Corporate Priorities “Building a Strong Economy” and "Improving our Communities". The proposal has a significant impact on improving accessibility and connectivity which is recognised as a fundamental factor in linking the labour market with employment opportunities and supporting economic activity.

Mountain Ash Southern Cross Valley Link and the Mountain Ash Northern Cross Valley Link. These road schemes are essential to improve accessibility for local residents to services and employment opportunities, improve the environment by removing vehicles from congested areas i.e. A4059 and B4275 and to attract investment into the area.

Looking at queuing traffic attempting to travel south past Mountain Ash A4059 there is a need for a new bridge north of Mountain Ash.

If you think Cynon Valley need improved highway infrastructure because of all the new developments coming to Cynon Valley why not say so on social media make your voice heard?

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