
Falls on the rise across the UK – act to prevent loss of independence

Falls on the rise across the UK – act to prevent loss of independence

FALLS among older people is one of the major issues facing the NHS today across the UK with falls being the leading cause of accidental death and disability in older people in England and in Wales. 

An estimated 230,000-460,000 people over the age of 60 fall in Wales each year. Between 11,500 and 45,900 of these suffer serious injury: fracture, head injury, or serious laceration. And in 2014/15 more than 282,000 people over the age of 65 were admitted to hospital in England because of a fall.

These numbers are rising. The cost to the individual and their families is extensive. Falls can reduce the number of disability-free years and destroy confidence, leading to loneliness, isolation and a loss of independence.

CFW's health and safety consultation, Anthony Arcari, would like you to draw your attention to the following article on falls by Ashley Martin, public health project manager at the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) in Public Health Today – you can read the PHT article on page 8.

Find out more:

RoSPA is running a 'Stand Up, Stay Safe' campaign in England – there are useful tips on its website which apply wherever you live.

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