
RNIB Cymru to independent parliamentary review interim report on health and social care

RNIB Cymru to independent parliamentary review interim report on health and social care

Responding to the publication of the independent parliamentary review interim report on health and social care, Ceri Jackson, Director of RNIB Cymru said:


“RNIB Cymru welcomes the interim report into health and social care. It is encouraging to note that the panel have recognised that sensory loss is among the most disabling conditions and that there is a need to move away from targets that are not focused on outcomes.


“The potential change that could be delivered by the full integration of health and social care, ensuring IT infrastructure fit for the future and by joining up across services is significant and we hope that the final report will build on these considerations. We look forward to working with the panel to ensure that other learning such as the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales report into ophthalmology is taken forward such as joined up onward referrals into the Eye Clinic Liaison Officer service and rehabilitation in social services is critical to support an ageing population with sight loss.”

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