
Wales Financial Capability Week November 2017

The Wales Financial Capability Week will be taking place from 13th to 17th  November 2017. Working together, organisations such as the Welsh Government, Older People’s Commissioner’s Office, Wales Cooperative Centre, Credit Unions across Wales, Citizens Advice Cymru and the Money Advice Service are organising events across Wales to encourage people to talk about money, under the hashtag #talkmoneywales.

Wales Financial Capability Week will bring together a variety of organisations and policy makers from across Wales. It will aim to raise awareness about the low levels of financial capability across Wales and encourage organisations to work together to address this issue and help people make the most of their money.

Throughout FinCap Week organisations across Wales will celebrate the ways that they are helping people to develop financial skills and knowledge, change their money mindset and working to ensure there is an inclusive and accessible services. They’ll be sharing their latest insight, getting together to learn from one another and find new and better ways to change lives through better money management and celebrate successes over the last year.

The week will be communicated by themes, e.g. Children and Young People.

Please see attached a link to the Financial Capability for Wales document which has a section on Children and Young People. https://prismic-io.s3.amazonaws.com/fincap-two%2F3f5d1d53-7e35-44f2-aae2-e5e9c8904a28_fincap+wales+full+strategy.pdf

Youth organisations, apprentices and external stakeholders leading on key programmes such as Flying Start and Families First are invited to take part and share the work that they are doing, hold events and get people talking about money, using the #talkmoneywales.

For more information, please contact Lee Phillips from the Money Advice Service


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