Review of community adult mental health services taking place

Our review will look at issues highlighted during our previous work, which include:


  • Effectiveness of referral processes and criteria
  • Care planning and provision
  • Communication/information sharing  with patients and family members
  • Infrastructure, integration and coordination of services
  • Compliance against the Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010 
  • Compliance with the Mental Health Act 1983 including Community Treatment Order’s 
  • Links to and availability of other support services i.e. substance misuse
  • Timeliness and accuracy of discharge arrangements and aftercare planning for patients


During the review we will  inspect  selected Community Mental Health Teams (CMHTs) in each health board. We will also be holding discussions with service users, stakeholder organisations and clinical leads from each health board.

Hearing the views and experiences of patients, and the relatives or carers of patients, in relation to community mental health services will be a key part of our review.  In the summer, there will be a questionnaire available on our website for  people who wish to tell us about their experiences. Hard copies of the questionnaires will also be made available.

Please contact us if you wish to be updated when further information on how you can share your views and experiences with us  is available.

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