Mike Powell to contest general election in Pontypridd constituency

Mike Powell will contest the General Election seat in the Pontypridd constituency on June 8th for the Welsh Liberal Democrats.

A popular figure in the area, Mike was recently re-elected to represent the Trallwn ward on RCT County Borough Council with an overwhelming majority. He says

"This election has come as a surprise to most of us, but it gives the people of Pontypridd an opportunity to judge whether they are being best served by the current MP or whether it is time for a change.

"At the last election we were left with the worst possible combination – a Tory Government left to rule alone unchecked by the influence that had previously been exerted by the Lib Dems and a Labour MP who is part of an ineffective opposition and who is more interested in his own career than in Pontypridd.

"Now is the time to put that right and elect someone who will put them and the constituency first. Someone who will stand up for what is right and what is fair."

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