
Ex Phurnacite Plant union man says he voted for the Cynon Valley Party

As some of you may be aware AberdareOnline has been following the new Cynon Valley Party and attending quite a few meetings listening to local residents questions and complaints they have with the way thing done by the council that affect them in their local area.

The Cynon Valley Party has held a number of meetings around Cynon Valley in order for local people to get to know them and understand what they are all about.


Now on Thursday May 4 is the time to let the people of Cynon Valley have their say on who they want to represent them in the council for the next 4 years.


Having been out and about in the last few weeks observing the party campaigning to find the widespread dissatisfaction with the Labour administration. So much dissatisfaction there has been that large numbers of local residents have been saying they have voted Labour all their lives but enough is enough and there is a real sense that people want change.


In Mountain Ash on Friday I barely recognized someone I hadn’t seen for years he was a union man in the Phurnacite Plant and then moved to Barnsley he was a staunch Labour supporter who returned to Mountain Ash from Barnsley I was surprised when he said he had voted for Kelvyn Bevan the Cynon Valley Party candidate for Mountain Ash west in the local elections having been a Labour voter all his life. He to is not a supporter of Ann Clwyd and said he would not vote Labour in the general election if she was standing, but would vote Labour if she were not.


There is a strong feeling of being continually let down by Labour in Cynon Valley we need change



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