Wales report on disability rights is launched
Government needs to implement the UNCRDP
Returning from Geneva, Disability Wales will launch the Wales today at the Cross Party Working Group on Disability.
Our report formed part of the GB Alternative Report to the UN Committee on the Rights of Disabled People. In order to ensure that progress is made on meeting the human rights of disabled people, Welsh Government should co-ordinate efforts to more effectively integrate the UNCRDP across all decision making and policy development.
The three key messages from Wales:
- To strengthen the Framework for Action on Independent Living by ensuring greater local accountability for delivering the Framework to enable genuine choice and inclusion in all areas of life, including employment.
- Ensure that upcoming infrastructure projects are fully inclusive in creating an accessible Wales, from transport to provision of information and services and access to the built environment.
- To address the barriers in accessing justice by improving provision of advice, advocacy and specialist legal representation.
DW report Welsh 1 – PDF
DW report English 1 – PDF