‘Parental Alienation’ is emotional abuse of children
Our charity, Both Parents Matter, is campaigning for children and young people in Wales to be protected from a particularly dangerous form of abuse perpetrated against them.
Please help us by supporting our petition here:
Parental separation can be a very traumatic time for children and young people. Very little is currently being done to combat the negative impact of ‘Parental Separation’ on children. The importance of the ‘Voice of the Child’ can result in children being drawn into adult disputes to side with a controlling parent. The child becomes a weapon. That is Parental Alienation.
Research shows that ‘Parental Separation’ is the second most prevalent Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE) faced by children in Wales.i
The UNCRC states that it is the ‘right of the child who is separated from one or both parents to maintain personal relations and direct contact with both parents on a regular basis, except if it is contrary to the child’s best interests.’ii
In England the Ministry of Justice have recognised the issue and provided a definition:
‘In cases where parents are separated, parental alienation refers to a situation in which one parent (usually the parent with whom the child lives) behaves in a way which creates anxiety in the child, so that it appears the child is opposed to living or spending time with the other parent.’iii
The Welsh Government’s Family Justice Network made a statement in response to a proposal made by our charity, FNF Both Parents Matter Cymru, in 2013 that it would NOT
recognise the concept as it would ‘undermine the fundamental principle of the Family Justice system that the welfare of the child was paramount’iv We don’t agree.
i http://www.cph.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/ACE-Report-FINAL-E.pdf
ii UNCRC Article 9.3 – Rights of
iii https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/164983
iv Letter from Albert Heaney, Director of Social Services & Integration- Welsh Govt. dated 14th May 2014