Hey Jeremy, take a look over here – Labour are cutting maternity services too
You may not have noticed, but there are a couple of Parliamentary by elections going on in England and the Labour party are jumping up and down trying to pretend they offer genuine opposition.
The NHS has been a major campaign issue as usual, and once again the hypocrisy of these people is brought to the fore – as well as their seeming ignorance of devolution. Jeremy Corbyn tweeted this week
"Shameful. Surely the mothers of Copeland deserve proper maternity services in their hospital?"
I have no doubt that the mothers of Copeland do indeed deserve just that, but then so do the mothers in the Rhondda and Pontypridd, and in West Wales. That didn't stop the Labour Government in Wales cutting them back though.
Despite significant protest from residents and an attempt to gain a judicial review by RCT Lib Dems working alongside a staff campaign group, the Royal Glamorgan Hospital is being downgraded, with the maternity department being one of those affected.
I can't recall any great outcry from Labour politicians over that. Some of the local Labour AMs and MPs did pop along to the hospital for a photoshoot holding save our hospital banners, but they were told to stop doing that by First Minister Carwyn Jones and so they gave up and let it happen.
Maybe Corbyn should check to see what his mates this side of the border are up to before criticising the Government who run the English NHS for doing the same thing.