Staff and students from Cardiff University’s School of History, Archaeology and Religious Education (SHARE) visited MACS on Monday 13th February 2017. This was part of their ‘Share with Schools’ programme. This was their fifth visit to the History Department at MACS since 2013. The team included lecturers and students from Cardiff who met with and taught four different classes of MACS pupils from Years 7-9. The topics covered included the Romans in Wales and Wales during the First World War.

Using a wide range of historical evidence including photographs, maps, postcards, replicas and actual artefacts (some of which dated back to the Roman era) the team delivered a series of interactive and ‘hands-on’ activities which really engaged and interested our pupils. 

This year the team leader was Dr David Wyatt, a senior lecturer in Early Medieval History at Cardiff. He was accompanied by undergraduate and postgraduate students who are either studying History or Archaeology at the university. There will be a return visit for Key Stage 3 MACS pupils to Cardiff in the Summer Term. 

Pupils and staff from MACS have also been invited to attend Cardiff University’s May 2017 Conference on the First World War. In addition MACS pupils will make a return visit to the School of Archaeology, History and Religious Studies in June 2017. They will see at first hand some of the university departments, examine a range of historical documents in the main library and receive a lecture from one of the university staff. 

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