All children and young people have rights in Wales

All children and young people have rights in Wales – rights are things you can expect and are entitled to so that you grow up safe, happy, and respecting each other

In Wales, and all over the world, children and young people 0-17 years old have all the rights in the UNCRC (The Convention for the Rights of the Child)

There are laws in Wales and the UK which put duties on the government and on local councils, schools or health services to treat you equally and to respect your human rights

Wales has its own law on the UNCRC called the Rights of Children and Young Person’s Measure – you can read more about this and get lots of other info on the Welsh Government website Lets Get it Right

Did you know you have a right to be listened to and to be consulted about decisions that affect you? A right to a decent place to live and to a good education? A right to play and to celebrate your own culture and use your own language? Have a look at this film

Rights Charter written by young people see what young people think are the most important rights

If you need help to get your voice heard or sort out a problem to do with your rights – get in touch with us – we can give you advice and find someone local to you who can help you. Send us a PM on Facebook or Contact Us

Have a look at our rights guide for young Gypsies, Roma and Travellers

Want to learn more about rights?

Young people from all over Wales have helped us make a Rights Tool Kit  to help other young people (and adults!) learn about their rights – this is designed by young people to be delivered by young people – you can download it here Travelling Ahead Rights Toolkit or Contact Us and we will send you your own copy to use with your group, class or training event – and if you would like us to come and train you let us know!

In 2015 for the first time young Gypsies and Travellers from Wales and other parts of the United Kingdom worked together with Article 12 to work out which rights were most important to them – and how much they feel young Gypsies, Roma and Travellers get their rights respected. This report was presented to the United Nations to the Committee which checks to make sure countries are doing right by children. You can read the report ( its long!) here and you can see what the Committee for the Rights of the Child recommended in June 2016 by clicking on ournews item here

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