“No change in child health since 2007”

Responding to the Cabinet Secretary for Health’s statement on the implementation of the Healthy Child Wales Programme – issued today – Welsh Conservative shadow health secretary, Angela Burns AM, has made the following statement:

“We welcome the ambition of the new universal health programme, which seeks to address many child health issues that have according to the Welsh Health Survey remained unchanged since 2007.

“From chronically low breastfeeding rates and high rates of longstanding illness in children to health inequality and unacceptable levels inactivity, the Labour-led Welsh Government have a big task on their hands if they are to make a meaningful change to the health of our children.

“It is curious as to why it has taken all of 17 years for the Labour party to take the issue of child health seriously, and I will be following this programme’s implantation closely. The time for hot air and promises is over – delivery is now key. The future health of our nation depends on it.”

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