
Free car parking across RCT

RCT Council Cabinet have graciously decided to make car parks across RCT free – but just for a week.

They say it is "part of a drive to promote and showcase local town centres."

Welsh Liberal Democrat Councillor Mike Powell says the move is nonsensical.

"What is the point in making car parks free for one week? We have been saying for years that car parking in RCT should be free permanently in order to encourage more people to use our town centres instead of out of town shopping areas. The Labour Council have repeatedly thrown cold water on the idea.

"So why the one week without charges? Could it be that they are eventually coming around to the idea and taking notice of what traders have been telling them for a long time, that free car parking would help bring in trade? After all if they are using it as a tool to try and bring in more people next week then surely they are admitting that it is a good idea?"

Car parking will be free in all Council car parks across the county from Monday 19 to Sunday 25 September after 10am.

AberdareOnline would add, there is an election due next May it would seem the RCT Council run labour party wants to put out some vote sweeteners as they have been over the last 18 months so called free swimming in the new Pontypridd Lido paid for out of your council tax etc. You just have to look at their 2012 manifesto to see what was promised by RCT labour and what we ended up with. 

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