South Wales Police, and our partners, are taking steps to combat off-road bikes in the Rhondda.

South Wales Police, and our partners, are taking steps to combat the dangerous and troublesome issue of off-road bikes in the Rhondda.

The anti-social practice has long been a problem for residents in key hotspots throughout the valley, which has escalated of late, therefore positive enforcement action will follow.

Police Sergeant Richie Gardiner explains: “Off-road biking presents a significant challenge for police and has done for some time –what we really want the public to know is that we have already been exercising the powers available to us and are constantly looking for ways to improve our response to this troublesome and dangerous behaviour.”

“We recognise that residents are frustrated and frightened by this issue and that’s exactly why we are investing a new approach. The illegal use of off-road bikes is a problem, aside from the obvious danger where we have witnessed riders and pedestrians being hit by such vehicles, we also have the annoyance to residents, damage to pathways, parkland and playing fields to consider. Despite previous efforts the problem has not abated and the bikers continue to make lives difficult for residents in these areas.

“Illegal off road bike riders are far more than just a nuisance – they present risks to public safety and resourcing such issues has a significant cost to everyone.”

“Our new approach to dealing with these brazen offenders is disruption – these illegal bikers should be aware that we will stop their activity by any means available to us. This can involve arresting them on road traffic offences and seizing their bikes.

“As part of Operation Bellatrix we are working closely with our partners in Natural Resource Wales, Rhondda Cynon Taff County Borough Council and the wider Community Safety Partnership and we will continue to utilise resources where we can to both stop the bikers in their tracks, quite literally, and keep tabs on any criminal activity taking place behind the scenes.”

There is still a problem in Aberaman rear of Farrells

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