CSSIW and HIW publish the findings of their national inspection of care and support for people with learning disabilities
Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales have today challenged local authorities and health boards to improve the planning and delivery of services for people with learning disabilities.
The inspectorates delivered a lengthy national inspection programme in six local authorities and local health boards, to see how services were planned and delivered for people in those local authority areas.
The inspectorates have also produced an all-Wales report, asking all local authority areas in Wales to improve their offer and way of working, so that people with learning disabilities can make sure they can achieve the outcomes that matter to them.
Today, a launch will be held at iSmooth, a Mencap Cymru social enterprise in Ammanford to mark the publication of the reports. The Inspectorates will meet with local authority and health board representatives as well as advocacy / involvement groups who took part in the fieldwork and research for the National Inspection including All Wales People First and the All Wales Forum of Parents and Carers.
About the inspection
The inspectorates visited Gwynedd, Conwy, Torfaen, Pembrokeshire, Merthyr and Bridgend to assess the quality and safety of care and support provided to adult people with learning disabilities. The inspection looked at what is working well as well as the barriers and areas for improvement. Inspectors focused on a number areas including support for carers, whether local authorities provide information, advice and assistance, and whether or not local authorities have good leadership and governance arrangements.
CSSIW’s Chief Inspector Imelda Richardson said:
“This is a pivotal moment for local authorities to rise to the challenge and take forward the spirit of the new Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act. We know from our fieldwork and engagement with people and families that they expect to be involved in the decisions and planning about the services they use.
“Local authorities and health boards must have a clear direction and purpose if they are to ensure that services are responsive to the needs of people with learning disabilities”.
“The effectiveness of the services people receive often relies on the tenacity of the family and carers involved, and the commitment of the hard-working support and health staff – but more needs to be done to ensure that everyone gets the care and support they need.
“People want and deserve active support and help to get the most out of life. Today’s reports show what needs to be done in order to make this a reality.”
HIW’s Chief Executive Kate Chamberlain said:
"The joint delivery of this inspection has provided the opportunity to assess how well local authorities and health boards work together to plan and deliver services for people with learning disabilities.
“We saw some good examples of joint working on the ground, achieving positive outcomes for people.
“It is clear that on a strategic level, local authorities and health boards need to have a clearer vision for these services based on a greater understanding of the current and future needs of people with learning disabilities."
Find out more about the findings in each of the local authorities and the all-Wales report, go to www.cssiw.org.uk
Easy read bilingual versions are also available. A short video marking the report launch is also available.
If you have a concern about a service…
- Call CSSIW via the CSSIW Switchboard (connect to a regional office to raise a concern in your area)
- Tel: 0300 790 0126
- CSSIW website (raise a concern here) http://cssiw.org.uk/raiseaconcern/?lang=en
- Watch CSSIW’s video to find out more about raising concerns – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlbgGn9a3qs