Flood defence test planned for Caerleon

A newly built flood defence on Caerleon Road (B4596), Caerleon, is due to be tested on Wednesday the 22nd of June.

In the morning the road will briefly be closed using traffic management so a temporary flood defence barrier can be placed across it.


Adding the demountable flood barrier will complete the defence line from the flood wall and embankment.


The test will be completed by 12pm with Caerleon Road only being closed for a few minutes.

John Hogg, NRW’s Head of Operations for South East Wales, said:

“Flooding can cause severe damage to homes and is a distressing experience for people.

“The plans we have developed will reduce the flood risk for people living and travelling through this area.

“Part of our flood scheme design includes demountable flood defences that will be used to cut off flood flow across Caerleon Road during periods of high tide.

“We understand tests like these can be inconvenient but they’re necessary to ensure that the defences put in place are up to the task.”


The £600,000 flood scheme began last autumn and will reduce the risk of tidal flooding to 49 houses and businesses in Caerleon

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