Exciting times ahead: ProMo-Cymru wins new contract for Meic,

We’re proud to announce that after a tendering process by Welsh Government, ProMo-Cymru was successful with its submission to continue to provide the Meic service for the benefit of young people across Wales.

“I’m delighted that the hard work of our advocate advisors, the support team and those at ProMo-Cymru has been recognised by Welsh Government. I’m excited that we get to lead the service into an exciting new phase that will continue to innovate and improve the lives of the children and young people of Wales.”

Stephanie Hoffman, Head of Meic service

Meic is the national advocacy, information, and advice helpline for young people in Wales. We work with young people aged from 0 to 25 and we can be contacted via phone (080880 23456), text (07860077333) and instant messenger via our website – https://www.meiccymru.org/ and via our Facebook page –https://www.facebook.com/meic.cymru/

The revised Meic service will continue for two years from 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2018. There will be changes from 1st April 2016.  The helpline will be open 16 hours a day – reflecting the significantly reduced contact at night. The new hours are 8am – midnight. Young people who contact Meic via phone, text or online chat outside those hours will continue to have the option of being connected directly to Samaritans, ChildLine or NHS Direct Wales.

We are also planning to enhance how we engage with young people across Wales; we’re expanding the website to include more news and articles and an Agony Aunt.

Building on the positive experiences of children and young people contacting the helpline, as described below, we are looking to  involve children and young people in having more of a say about Meic:

  • Thank you so much for your time and for being so kind, I think I will be able to sleep tonight now.
  • It’s a really good service, always helpful. Thank you for your help tonight
  • OK, thank you very much for your generous time. I really do appreciate it :)

We will also continue to build on the successes of our campaigns and videos to reach and engage even more young people online and on social media. Previous campaigns have included Christmas Wellbeing, Anti-Bullying and Children’s Rights and we know that these campaigns have a direct impact on the number of people using the service.

Check out Megan’s Story about online bullying https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hmOADqw1RrA and Laolu’s take on Christmas and the difficulties that can arise around the seasonal periodhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=loc5Gbpxxao or simply head to our YouTube channel to see all our videoshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCa_l3cG-I_bdti6N0kxGdUg. Keep an eye out for our next campaign!

We’re pleased and proud to continue to provide advocacy, advice and information to young people in Wales every day 7 days per week for the foreseeable future by phone (080880 23456), text (07860077333) and instant messenger via our website and Facebook – https://www.meiccymru.org/

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Team @ AberdareOnline

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