Outcomes Framework for Wales – Consultation
Public Health Wales (PHW) is working in partnership with the Welsh Government to develop health outcomes and indicators which will show progress in improving health in Wales.
The outcomes and measures of a Public Health Outcomes Framework will support the seven well-being goals that are in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015. The act gives a legally binding common purpose as it sets out a series of goals which public services must strive to achieve.
The Public Health Outcomes Framework will help monitor progress in improving and maintaining the health of the people in Wales. For example, It could be used to access how services are contributing to an improvement in the health of the population. The intention of the Framework is to set a vision for the whole public health system about what we want to achieve for the nations health and well-being.
The proposed Public Health Outcomes Framework
The framework includes health outcomes and then further outcomes grouped under these areas:
A. Living conditions that support and contribute to health now and for the future
B. Ways of living that improve health
C. Health throughout the life course
For each outcome there is one or more indicator (41 indicators in total).
Welsh Government is eager to hear the views of Children and Young People about the draft Public Outcomes Framework. We welcome any comments you may wish to share but we also have 7 questions we would like you to consider from a young person’s viewpoint.
You can find the original consultation online on the Welsh Government website here:http://gov.wales/consultations/healthsocialcare/outcomes-framework/?lang=en
Children and Wales’ Young Wales Initiative has developed a brief summary around the Primary Health Outcomes Framework and be found via this link: Public Health Outcomes Framework Wales WG FACTSHEET
We would be grateful if you could complete the below survey by 25 January 2016.