Pontypridd Day Centre Users Get Taste of the Future
Pontypridd Day Centre service users have enjoyed a visit to the Muni Arts Centre in Pontypridd to experience some of the services which are on offer there.
Last month, the Council’s Cabinet took the decision to close Pontypridd Day Centre subject to alternative and appropriate provision being identified in the Pontypridd area.
This decision was taken due to the significant maintenance and accessibility issues associated with the Day Centre and the availability of other support services being provided by voluntary sector partners in the local community.
RCTC spokesperson said: “Services provided at our day centres help to promote independent living and are well valued by service users. However it is vital that the services on offer are provided in appropriate facilities which meet the basic needs of service users in terms of accessibility, warmth and safety.
“Pontypridd Day Centre has a number of serious maintenance issues which make it an unsuitable venue for providing the services required by day centre users and this is why Cabinet instructed officers to source alternative and appropriate provision in the local area.
“Following Cabinet’s decision, officers have contacted local voluntary sector providers to source the necessary alternative provision and service users have already had the opportunity to access it and see for themselves what is on offer at facilities such as the Muni Arts Centre.
“Following this visit, officers will continue to work hard to make firm arrangements for the future provision of services in the Pontypridd area which will be communicated to service users in the New Year.”