The latest statistics for A&E performance show that 120 people waited more than 12 hours at the Royal Glamorgan to be either admitted or treated and released. This despite a target set by the Welsh Labour Government in May of 2013 that nobody would wait that long.
Only 78.2% of patients were seen within the target time of 4 hours, almost 11% down on the figure of November last year.
Welsh Liberal Democrat Campaign Manager in RCT, Karen Roberts, says the figures are a disgrace.
"What is the point in setting artificial targets that are never met because the resources – mainly staffing – are not there to match demand? This is not just a local issue but a problem across Wales.
"Over the next few months Labour activists will once again be on doorsteps asking for votes and pledging their backing for the NHS, yet time and time again we are seeing major failings in the system.
"The A&E department at the Royal Glamorgan is not able to meet the demands placed upon it. People are having to wait hours to be seen, including young children who should be seen as a priority.
"There has been a campaign to 'choose well' and try to avoid attending A&E unless absolutely necessary, but what are the alternatives? They have taken the GP out of hours service from the Rhondda and our minor injuries unit is only open at limited times on weekdays and patients need an appointment.
"Warm words on the future of the NHS are not enough, Labour have had plenty of time to deliver and are failing miserably."