The Welsh government’s bovine TB vaccination programme is ‘in tatters’ and Labour ministers should have obtained robust supply agreements.
That’s the criticism from Welsh Conservatives, as Labour’s junior farming minister confirms the programme will be postponed due to an ‘interruption’ in supply of the BadgerBCG vaccine.
‘Modelling’ work will now commence, ahead of options for next steps and Welsh Conservatives have reaffirmed their support for a controlled badger cull.
Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Russell George AM, said:
“Welsh farmers – already in the dark over the progress of the vaccination programme – will despair at this announcement.
“The entire scheme is in tatters and much of the data collected in recent years could be useless.
“That’s down to Labour ministers failing to get robust supply agreements that could have avoided the entire debacle.
“Our farmers deserve a far more detailed explanation and more clarity on how long this ‘interruption’ will last.
“Welsh Conservatives continue to support a controlled badger cull and I urge Labour ministers to urgently consider its introduction.
Welsh Conservative Leader. Andrew RT Davies AM, said:
“Labour’s junior minister should look long and hard at her handling of this fiasco. A long-term supply agreement could have avoided this announcement and Welsh farmers will rightly question why this wasn’t obtained.
“TB continues to have a huge impact on rural communities and, in particular, Welsh farming.
“Both emotionally and economically – its impact has been hugely damaging. Many organisations, businesses and individuals continue to feel completely in the dark over vaccination and this announcement will do nothing to rebuild that trust.”