
12 hour A and E waits rise again

The number of people waiting over 12 hours in major Welsh emergency departments rose again last month.


2,169 spent more than half a day waiting for treatment in October, up 223 on September.

A 95 per cent target to see patients within four hours was also missed, with latest stats showing the figure stood at 79.9 per cent.

It means 13 thousand people waited more than four hours in A and E – across Wales – during October.

Performance within health boards varied greatly, with ABMU’s 77.7 per cent the lowest figure last month.

Welsh Conservative Shadow Health Minister, Darren Millar AM, said:

“Labour’s performance against their own NHS targets is abysmal.

“Four hour waits in Welsh emergency departments are needlessly long and six years of a missed crucial target beggars belief.

“Another hike in 12 hour waits also demands urgent attention from Labour ministers.

“Enough is enough. Labour’s record-breaking health budget cuts have heaped immense pressure on frontline staff and with colder weather ahead it looks as though the Welsh health service is heading for a very bleak mid-winter.

“Patients deserve better and Labour ministers must bring forward a national plan for the winter months and make the resources available to ensure that patients are able to access the care they need.”

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