Rogue traders operating in the Aberdare area

Following reports of rogue traders operating in the Aberdare area South Wales Police are encouraging homeowners to be vigilant about rogue traders and bogus callers.

The warning comes after one elderly resident in Bryn Moreia, Llwycoed , was targeted by two men on Wednesday (11th November) who offered to fit hand rails around her home and to do some gardening work. Luckily the Meals on Wheels lady turned up just as the resident was about to hand over £500. The two men left with no money.

DC Mike Dean said: "We are trying to trace the man in this photograph as he may be able to assist with our enquiries into this incident. It is believed that he was in the area of Bryn Moreia, Llwycoed, Aberdare around 11.25am on Wednesday (11th November). We would appeal for him to get in touch with us directly."

Carl Elliott, Crime Reduction Advisor added: "We are asking people to be on the alert for rogue traders and distraction burglars, and for residents to keep a look out for elderly or vulnerable neighbours who are often most at risk of these crimes. Rogue traders specifically go out of their way to target the older or more vulnerable members of our community."

Anyone with any information as to the whereabouts of the man in the picture is asked to call us on 101 quoting reference number 1500418698.

We would also like to hear from anyone who believes that traders are operating illegally in their area. If you see anyone acting suspiciously note down any important details, such as description of the person or vehicle registration number. 

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Team @ AberdareOnline

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