School Holidays are over and the council has decided to close the Violet Street footbridge for repair and the uncontrolled crossing point, leading to the Aberdare Sports Centre

School Holidays are over and the council has decided to close the Violet Street footbridge for repair and the uncontrolled crossing point, leading to the Aberdare Sports Centre

Upcoming closure of the Violet Street footbridge and uncontrolled crossing point, leading to Aberdare sports centre

The week commencing 16th September, there will be no access to the Ynys playing fields and Aberdare Community School via Violet Street #Aberaman.

This upcoming closure is scheduled to facilitate the replacement of the anti-skid surfacing associated with the Violet Street footbridge, which has reached the end of its lifespan. The council anticipate that this will take at most 1 week to complete.

In the interest of public safety, a diversion route will be in place until the remedial works are completed. Below is a plan showing the suggested diversion route while the footpath closure is operational

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