The Open Spaces Society fight Clyne Common swap at public inquiry

The Open Spaces Society object to the proposed, unfair land swap on Clyne Common, Swansea, and will give evidence to a public inquiry which opens today Tuesday (6 August)[1].
The society joins the Gower Society and many other objectors in arguing that the Duke of Beaufort’s Somerset Trust land to be taken for housing is far superior to the land offered in exchange, and that the public will lose out as a result.
Left is the rich common land the trust wishes to deregister and right is the unacceptable alternative. Photos: Michael Crafer
The trust wants to deregister 2.8 hectares on the eastern side of the common and replace it with 3.4 hectares, two kilometres away, on the western side, at Ryeground Farm.
Says our general secretary Kate Ashbrook, who will appear at the inquiry: ‘We deplore this plan to destroy a splendid stretch of common land, rich in wildlife with superb views and a vital lung for the communities on the Swansea side of Clyne Common. The proposed replacement land is impossibly distant from the estates served by the existing common, and it is low lying with little biological diversity, a miserable alternative. We shall urge the inspector to reject this unjust proposal.’
Applications for exchange of common land, such as at Clyne Common, are made under section 16 of the Commons Act 2006 with a requirement to provide suitable exchange land. They are determined by the Planning and Environment Decisions Wales on behalf of ministers.
[1] The public inquiry is to be held at The Village Hote, Langdon Road, Waterfront, Swansea SA1 8QY, starting at 10.00 on Tuesday 6 August. The inspector is Vicki Hirst. The Gower Society and Open Spaces Society will be represented by Robin Green of Cornerstone Barristers.
August 5, 2024
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