
Keeping it in the Cynon Valley

You might have already seen that the candidate nominations for the general election have now been released. It was, of course, tempting as the Cynon Valley Party, however rather than just ploughing in we had a lengthy discussion about the pros and cons for us as a party, putting the decision to a members vote.

The vote returned a 70/30% split against standing in the General Election primarily because it goes against all the hard work that we have done to date. Standing a candidate for MP would then mean The Cynon Valley Party would need an official stance on National Issues and we’re not about that right now.

Of course having an elected member in Westminster would give us a little more clout when it came to actions back home in Cynon Valley, but at this present time, it would go against everything that we stood for in the Local Elections.

With one elected councillor, we need to build on this and focus on real grassroots issues that will make a difference to all of us in the Cynon Valley.



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