Another scheme to control mountain water runoff flooding the A4059 at Mountain Ash

Another scheme to control mountain water runoff flooding the A4059 at Mountain Ash

In 2022, the council installed additional super gullies, which will be connected to a swale structure that transports rainwater to an existing watercourse. This will reduce the flood risk on this section of the A4059 in poor weather conditions. The drainage improvements at the A4059 near Newtown, Mountain Ash, to reduce flood risk in heavy rainfall.,Road%2C%20just%20south%20of%20Newtown.

A Resilient Roads scheme will begin at the pictured section of the A4059 near Mountain Ash, to reduce flooding at this key location. The majority of work can be undertaken while maintaining two-way traffic flow.

The Council has secured an 90% Welsh Government funding contribution for this scheme – with the first phase of work, lasting around three weeks, starting from Wednesday, January 15. The remaining funding has been met within the Council’s Highways and Transportation Capital Programme for 2024/25.

Phase one of the scheme will install a new culvert, along with associated inspection chambers. The culvert will direct rainwater that has run off the mountain directly to the existing swale adjacent to the road, which has worked effectively following its installation in a previous investment scheme.

The scheme will use narrowed lanes to maintain two-way traffic flow on the A4059. Where traffic lights are needed to make safe progress, the work will be carried out at night to greatly minimise disruption.

The Council has appointed Peter Simmons Construction as the contractor to deliver the scheme alongside the RCT Streetcare Team. The Council and its contractor will work closely to minimise disruption for road users and the community.

A spokesperson for Rhondda Cynon Taf Council said: “The Council is continuing its major investment in flood alleviation schemes in the County Borough – with £4.48m secured across several Welsh Government funding programmes for 2024/25, being used with important Council match-funding. We’ve also secured major funding to progress larger schemes for Pentre, Arfryn Terrace in Tylorstown, and Treorchy – which are all in development.

Storm Dennis, February 2020

“Storm Bert in November was another clear reminder about the importance of continued investment in flood alleviation. We’ve made very good progress on improving assets to protect our communities since Storm Dennis in 2020, and the vast majority of these local schemes proved very effective in the recent storm event. However, we know there are many other assets that still need to be upgraded right across Rhondda Cynon Taf – and we’ll continue to provide Council funding and seek external funding to continue our rate of investment.

“The upcoming work on the A4059 in Mountain Ash will aim to better deal with water running off the mountain and crossing the highway during heavy rain. The Resilient Roads scheme will install a new culvert to carry rainwater to the established drainage swale to the side of the road. The work will be largely carried out while maintaining traffic in both directions, with all work that needs traffic management being scheduled at night. Thanks to road users and the community for your cooperation.”

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