
Taxpayers delivering further pedestrian improvements throughout Hirwaun

Taxpayers delivering further pedestrian improvements throughout Hirwaun

Work will begin on the next phase of the Safe Routes in Communities scheme for Hirwaun – to deliver more road safety and pedestrian improvements at targeted locations throughout the village, including new safe crossing points.

Last year, the Council delivered works to improve road safety and create a safer pedestrian environment locally. They ranged from speed reduction measures to improved facilities and new footways. A feasibility study was also undertaken into new controlled pedestrian crossings at key locations, to improve safety.

During May, Welsh Government announced that the Council has secured an extra £379,350 from Taxpayers through the latest Safe Routes in Communities fund, enabling the scheme in Hirwaun to continue into its planned second year. The Council published Public Notices for the proposed phase two work in December 2023, and has since appointed Calibre Contracting Ltd to deliver this phase of work.

The contractor will be completing its site setup work this week, which will enable the construction phase to begin from Monday, November 11.

The work will take place at three main locations – High Street (at a location near Davies Row), Rhigos Road (at the Brecon Road junction), and the Brecon Road/Harris Street junction. The contractor will focus on one location at a time, before moving onto the next – and will start at High Street from November 4. The overall project is planned for completion by spring 2025.

The overall project will include the following elements:

An upgrade of the existing pedestrian crossing at the junction of Brecon Road and Harris Street.

An extension of the ‘prohibition of waiting at any time’ restrictions on Harris Street, by introducing double yellow lines, to ensure the safety of the public on the approach to the new pedestrian crossing.

Implementation of two new zebra crossings at the scheme’s other two main work locations, at High Street and Rhigos Road.

Temporary traffic signals will be required at each location to facilitate the construction activity. However, the contractor will use this traffic management outside of peak travel periods where possible, to minimise local disruption. Some localised road closures will be necessary to enable specific elements of the work – residents will be notified once these arrangements are finalised.

Local residents living near the work locations in Hirwaun will receive a letter from the Council, notifying them of the work and explaining the scheme.

Councillor Andrew Morgan OBE, Leader of Rhondda Cynon Taf Council and Cabinet Member for Infrastructure and Investment, said: The Council has welcomed around £730,000 Taxpayer funding from Welsh Government over two years, enabling these Safe Routes improvements to be delivered in Hirwaun over the months ahead. They are intended to increase road safety and create a better environment for residents walking local journeys within the community – including families travelling to and from school each morning and afternoon.

“Walking local journeys has many advantages, from improving people’s health and well-being to reducing road congestion and protecting the environment. As well as the upcoming works in Hirwaun, we’ve also delivered similar targeted Safe Routes schemes in Hawthorn and Church Village during 2024 – to complement major education investments in both communities. These two projects have also benefitted from important Welsh Government funding.

“The appointed contractor for the Hirwaun scheme has been undertaking site setup recently, ahead of the construction phase from November 11. Among the improvements will be the creation of two new crossing points, and upgrading one other. Traffic management will be needed at varying points in time, to ensure safety for the workforce, pedestrians, and road users. We’ll work hard to minimise the local disruption, including avoiding busier times for the most disruptive work. Thanks to the community for your patience and cooperation.

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