Aldi apply for planning permission from Development Control at RCT Council

Aldi apply for planning permission from Development Control at RCT Council

ALDI has applied for planning permission to construct a new store on Aberaman Park Industrial Estate and is requesting public support for the proposal. Following a six-week public pre-application consultation, over 90% of respondents expressed support for the plans, and the company has since submitted the planning application to the RCT Borough Council. The application is available for viewing on the council’s planning portal, with the reference number 23/0294/10.

Although some residents raised concerns about the impact on the local transport network, Aldi has taken action to address this by proposing a new pelican crossing across the B4275. The company is asking the local community to support its plans and explain how a new Aldi in Aberaman could benefit the town.

The proposed store would involve an investment into Aberaman, as well as the redevelopment and refurbishment of the current site shared with What!. Additionally, the project would create a new pedestrian footpath, retaining the What! store, and provide around 30 new jobs. Furthermore, the development would include the provision of 153 car parking spaces, four electric vehicle charging points, and attractive landscaping around the site. Free car parking for up to 90 minutes would also be available, allowing shoppers to visit other businesses on the industrial estate.

Aldi encourages individuals to send their support for the proposed store to the council, quoting the planning reference number 23/0294/10. The planning application will soon be decided by RCT Borough Council, and the company hopes to gain approval for the project.

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