
A gloomy day in Mountain Ash and for the Borough at large

It's a sad day when the news broke in Mountain Ash what was once the pride of the borough has tragically passed away at 12 PM on Friday May 5 the Money Tree that had bloomed so well for the last 18 months has died. 

The borough surveyor was at a loss as to why the sudden loss of this short lived bounty that the Mountain Ash Money Tree had produced, so much so the borough decide to engage a team arboriculture’s, professionals in the practice of arboriculture, which is the cultivation, management, and study of the money tree.


The report provide by the arboriculture’s confirmed the Sorbusaucupariapecuniaarborlocorumelectioprovidere to give its Latin name for the Mountain Ash Money Tree or as local people call it the (Local Election Provider) that only blooms every 4 years, with the money blooms lasting for just 18 months.


The arboriculture’s report went on to say all is not lost technically the tree is not dead; the report  went on to explain to revive the tree so it starts to bloom in 3 years time it will need plenty of bullshit. The borough surveyor thanked the arboricultures for their interpretation and advice.


The Borough has now decided to engage in teams of outside consultants to bring forth ways of manufacturing endless reports full of bullshit at great cost to the public purse and to set up committees within the borough to provide even more bullshit reports so the public can see just how much bullshit the borough produces ready for the Mountain Ash Money Tree to produce in 3 years time.


But for the next few years is back to: Mr No Money 










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